KIOKO clothing

How did Kioko get started?

Of chance and guilt. In addition to the fact that raising children is a minefield anyway - breastmilk or RPA, cuddle or in own bed, with or without a pacifier, Montessori or no Montessori, etc., my heart aches because of the eco-disaster of having and raising a child (diapers, toys, clothes, etc.) and what kind of world do we leave for them if we consume like there's no tomorrow..

Why Kioko?

At Kioko, we make minimalist pre-school and school children's clothes from organic cotton fabric leftovers to help parents make child-friendly and environmentally friendly choices that last and hopefully leave children with a better tomorrow. With a few exceptions (such as clothing care labels), all clothing is made from left-overs - from the packaging to the product itself.

KIOKO clothing

Kioko is not mass produced. We make some products for stock and we sew the rest to order based on need. We are a slow fashion brand. Instead of a linear economic model - I buy, use, throw away - we start from a circular economic model and do our best so that the existing product can be valued one or more times (repair, remake, reuse).

Why Kioko? Because it gives parents like me one more guilt-free option. And those who are not burdened by guilt can perhaps find one-color clothing for the child in the show ring, which is otherwise almost impossible to find in the store, because what pig has a paw patrol tattooed on its belly, and are all-white things to play snowmen sold anywhere at all?!

What does Kioko mean?

Kioko is a girl’s name of Japanese roots that means “child born with happiness” and “meets world with happiness.” With an etymology bursting with bliss, baby Kioko personifies the teachings of Taoism, which is to live in harmony with nature and the universe.

In other words, Kioko is a happy child who lives in harmony with the universe and nature.

KIOKO clothing
Anni Kioko

Who is Anni?

I'm Kioko's creator, a wife, a mother of two, a lawyer and a world-changer by natureI am driven by the desire to improve something and make it better. I do Kioko from the same feeling.

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